Source code for pyimof.display

# coding: utf-8
"""Collection of utils and functions for the visualization of vector


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import skimage

def _middlebury():
    """Compute the colors used to generate the `middlebury` colormap.

    This colormap is inspired by the middlebury evaluation for optical
    flow algorithms [1]_. The RGB values are extracted from the matlab
    code [2]_

    cmap : ~numpy.ndarray
        The colors used to generate the 'middlebury' colormap.

    .. [1]
    .. [2]


    col_len = [0, 15, 6, 4, 11, 13, 6]
    col_range = np.cumsum(col_len)
    ncol = col_range[-1]
    cmap = np.zeros((ncol, 3))

    for idx, (i0, i1, l) in enumerate(zip(col_range[:-1],
        j0 = (idx//2) % 3
        j1 = (j0+1) % 3
        if idx & 1:
            cmap[i0:i1, j0] = 1 - np.arange(l)/l
            cmap[i0:i1, j1] = 1
            cmap[i0:i1, j0] = 1
            cmap[i0:i1, j1] = np.arange(l)/l

    return cmap

[docs]def flow_to_color(u, v, cmap=None, scale=True): """Apply color code to a vector field according to its orientation and magnitude. Any colormap compatible with matplotlib can be applyed but circular colormaps are recommanded ( for example 'huv', 'twilight', 'twilight_shifted' and the builtin 'middlebury' colormaps). If cmap is None, the HSV image defined using optical flow orientation (hue) and magnitude (saturation) is returned. Parameters ---------- u : ~numpy.ndarray The horizontal component of the vector field. v : ~numpy.ndarray The vertical component of the vector field. cmap : str (optional) The colormap used to color code the input vector field. scale : bool (optional) whether to scale output saturation according to magnitude. Returns ------- img : ~numpy.ndarray RGBA image representing the desired color code applyed to the vector field. """ flow = (u + 1j*v) magnitude = np.absolute(flow) angle = np.mod(-np.angle(flow), 2*np.pi) # Normalize flow direction angle /= (2*np.pi) # Map the magnitude between 0 and 1 magnitude -= magnitude.min() magnitude /= magnitude.max() if cmap is None: # Create the corresponding HSV image nl, nc = u.shape hsv = np.ones((nl, nc, 3)) hsv[..., 0] = angle hsv[..., 2] = magnitude img = skimage.color.hsv2rgb(hsv) else: lut = img = lut(angle) if scale: # Scale saturation according to magnitude img[..., 3] = magnitude return img
[docs]def color_wheel(u=None, v=None, nr=50, ntheta=1025): """Compute the discretization of a wheel used to describe the color code used to display a vector field (u, v). If the vector field (u, v) is provided, the radius of the wheel is equal to its maximum magnitude. Otherwise (i.e. if any of u and v is None), the radius is set to 1. Parameters ---------- u : ~numpy.ndarray (optional) The horizontal component of the vector field (default: None). v : ~numpy.ndarray (optional) The vertical component of the vector field (default: None). nr : int (optional) The number of steps used to discretise the wheel radius. ntheta : int (optional) The number of steps used to discretise the wheel sectors. Returns ------- angle, radius: tuple[~numpy.ndarray] The grid discretisation of the wheel sectors and radius. """ max_rad = 1 if u is not None or v is not None: max_rad = np.sqrt(u*u + v*v).max() radius, angle = np.mgrid[:max_rad:nr*1j, 0:2*np.pi:ntheta*1j] return angle, radius
[docs]def get_tight_figsize(I): """Computes the matplotlib figure tight size respecting image proportions. Parameters ---------- I : ~numpy.ndarray The image to be displayed. Returns ------- w, h : tuple[float] The width and height in inch of the desired figure. """ nl, nc = I.shape[:2] dpi = plt.rcParams['figure.dpi'] dimBound = max(plt.rcParams['figure.figsize']) h = float(nl)/dpi w = float(nc)/dpi maxDim = max(h, w) redFact = dimBound/maxDim h *= redFact w *= redFact return w, h
[docs]def plot(u, v, ax=None, cmap='middlebury', scale=True, colorwheel=True): """Plots the color coded vector field. Parameters ---------- u : ~numpy.ndarray The horizontal component of the vector field. v : ~numpy.ndarray The vertical component of the vector field. ax : ~matplotlib.pyplot.Axes (optional) Optional matplotlib axes used to plot the image. If None, the image is displayed in a tight figure. cmap : str (optional) The colormap used to color code the input vector field. scale : bool (optional) whether to scale output saturation according to magnitude. colorwheel : bool (optional) whether to display the color wheel describing the images colors or not. Returns ------- ax : ~matplotlib.pyplot.Axes The matplotlib axes where the image is displayed. """ img = flow_to_color(u, v, cmap, scale) if ax is None: nl, nc = u.shape figsize = get_tight_figsize(img) plt.figure(figsize=figsize, facecolor=(1., 1., 1.)) ax = plt.axes([0, 0, 1, 1], frameon=False) ax.imshow(img) ax.set_axis_off() if colorwheel: if cmap is None: cmap = 'hsv' bbox = ax.get_position() w, h = bbox.width, bbox.height X0, Y0 = bbox.x0, bbox.y0 x0, y0 = X0+0.01*w, Y0+0.79*h fig = ax.get_figure() ax2 = fig.add_axes([x0, y0, w*0.2, h*0.2], polar=1) angle, rad = color_wheel(u, v) ax2.pcolormesh(angle, rad, angle, cmap=cmap) ax2.set_xticks([]) return ax
[docs]def quiver(u, v, c=None, bg=None, ax=None, step=None, nvec=50, bg_cmap=None, **kwargs): """Draws a quiver plot representing a dense vector field. Parameters ---------- u : ~numpy.ndarray (with shape m×n) The horizontal component of the vector field. v : ~numpy.ndarray (with shape m×n) The vertical component of the vector field. c : ~numpy.ndarray (optional (with shape m×n)) Values used to color the arrows. bg : ~numpy.ndarray (2D or 3D optional) Background image. ax : ~matplotlib.pyplot.Axes (optional) Axes used to plot the image. If None, the image is displayed in a tight figure. step : int (optional) The grid step used to display the vector field. If None, it is computed using the nvec parameter. nvec : int The maximum number of vector over all the grid dimentions. It is ignored if the step parameter is not None. bg_cmap : str (optional) The colormap used to color the background image. Notes ----- Any other :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.quiver` valid keyword can be used, knowing that some are fixed - units = 'dots' - angles = 'xy' - scale = 'xy' Returns ------- ax : ~matplotlib.pyplot.Axes The matplotlib axes where the vector field is displayed. """ if ax is None: figsize = get_tight_figsize(u) plt.figure(figsize=figsize, facecolor=(1., 1., 1.)) ax = plt.axes([0, 0, 1, 1], frameon=False) ax.set_axis_off() nl, nc = u.shape if step is None: step = max(nl//nvec, nc//nvec) y, x = np.mgrid[:nl:step, :nc:step] u_ = u[::step, ::step] v_ = v[::step, ::step] idx = np.logical_and(np.logical_and(x+u_ >= 0, x+u_ <= nc-1), np.logical_and(y+v_ >= 0, y+v_ <= nl-1)) if bg is not None: ax.imshow(bg, cmap=bg_cmap) else: ax.axis([0, nc, nl, 0]) ax.set_aspect('equal') args = [x[idx], y[idx], u_[idx], v_[idx]] if c is not None: args.append(c[::step, ::step][idx]) kwargs['units'] = 'dots' kwargs['angles'] = 'xy' kwargs['scale_units'] = 'xy' ax.quiver(*args, **kwargs) ax.set_axis_off() return ax