Source code for pyimof.util

# coding: utf-8
"""Common tools to optical flow algorithms.


import numpy as np
import skimage
from skimage.transform import pyramid_reduce, resize

[docs]def tv_regularize(x, tau=0.3, dt=0.2, max_iter=100, p=None, g=None): """Toltal variation regularization using Chambolle algorithm [1]_. Parameters ---------- x : ~numpy.ndarray The target array. tau : float Tightness parameter. It should have a small value in order to maintain attachement and regularization parts in correspondence. dt : float Time step of the numerical scheme. Convergence is proved for values dt < 0.125, but it can be larger for faster convergence. max_iter : int Maximum number of iteration. p : ~numpy.ndarray Optional buffer array of shape (x.ndim, ) + x.shape. g : ~numpy.ndarray Optional buffer array of shape (x.ndim, ) + x.shape. References ---------- .. [1] A. Chambolle, An algorithm for total variation minimization and applications, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, Springer, 2004, 20, 89-97. """ if p is None: p = np.zeros((x.ndim, ) + x.shape) if g is None: g = np.zeros_like(p) f = dt / tau out = x s_g = [slice(None), ] * (x.ndim + 1) s_d = [slice(None), ] * x.ndim s_p = [slice(None), ] * (x.ndim + 1) for _ in range(max_iter): for ax in range(x.ndim): s_g[0] = ax s_g[ax+1] = slice(0, -1) g[tuple(s_g)] = np.diff(out, axis=ax) s_g[ax+1] = slice(None) norm = np.sqrt((g ** 2).sum(axis=0))[np.newaxis, ...] norm *= f norm += 1. p -= dt * g p /= norm # d will be the (negative) divergence of p d = -p.sum(0) for ax in range(x.ndim): s_d[ax] = slice(1, None) s_p[ax+1] = slice(0, -1) s_p[0] = ax d[tuple(s_d)] += p[tuple(s_p)] s_d[ax] = slice(None) s_p[ax+1] = slice(None) out = x + d return out
[docs]def resize_flow(u, v, shape): """Rescale the values of the vector field (u, v) to the desired shape. The values of the output vector field are scaled to the new resolution. Parameters ---------- u : ~numpy.ndarray The horizontal component of the motion field. v : ~numpy.ndarray The vertical component of the motion field. shape : iterable Couple of integers representing the output shape. Returns ------- ru, rv : tuple[~numpy.ndarray] The resized and rescaled horizontal and vertical components of the motion field. """ nl, nc = u.shape sy, sx = shape[0]/nl, shape[1]/nc u = resize(u, shape, order=0, preserve_range=True, anti_aliasing=False) v = resize(v, shape, order=0, preserve_range=True, anti_aliasing=False) ru, rv = sx*u, sy*v return ru, rv
[docs]def get_pyramid(I, downscale=2.0, nlevel=10, min_size=16): """Construct image pyramid. Parameters ---------- I : ~numpy.ndarray The image to be preprocessed (Gray scale or RGB). downscale : float The pyramid downscale factor. nlevel : int The maximum number of pyramid levels. min_size : int The minimum size for any dimension of the pyramid levels. Returns ------- pyramid : list[~numpy.ndarray] The coarse to fine images pyramid. """ pyramid = [I] size = min(I.shape) count = 1 while (count < nlevel) and (size > min_size): J = pyramid_reduce(pyramid[-1], downscale, multichannel=False) pyramid.append(J) size = min(J.shape) count += 1 return pyramid[::-1]
[docs]def coarse_to_fine(I0, I1, solver, downscale=2, nlevel=10, min_size=16): """Generic coarse to fine solver. Parameters ---------- I0 : ~numpy.ndarray The first gray scale image of the sequence. I1 : ~numpy.ndarray The second gray scale image of the sequence. solver : callable The solver applyed at each pyramid level. downscale : float The pyramid downscale factor. nlevel : int The maximum number of pyramid levels. min_size : int The minimum size for any dimension of the pyramid levels. Returns ------- u, v : tuple[~numpy.ndarray] The horizontal and vertical components of the estimated optical flow. """ if (I0.ndim != 2) or (I1.ndim != 2): raise ValueError("Only grayscale images are supported.") if I0.shape != I1.shape: raise ValueError("Input images should have the same shape") pyramid = list(zip(get_pyramid(skimage.img_as_float32(I0), downscale, nlevel, min_size), get_pyramid(skimage.img_as_float32(I1), downscale, nlevel, min_size))) u = np.zeros_like(pyramid[0][0]) v = np.zeros_like(u) u, v = solver(pyramid[0][0], pyramid[0][1], u, v) for J0, J1 in pyramid[1:]: u, v = resize_flow(u, v, J0.shape) u, v = solver(J0, J1, u, v) return u, v